Clay offers multiple staging scenarios dictated by the venue and the anticipated size of the audience. The choice of scenarios is not factored into any of the performance fees.
In any of these scenarios, the venue is required to provide the following:
• Staging area of 10′ x 10′, free from traffic.
• 2 dedicated 20-amp circuits (two separate outlets) within 10 feet of the stage
• If these circuits are not close to the stage, the venue must provide extension cords, 12 or 14-gauge.
• 10′ x 10′ canopy tent (if the event is outdoors) OR covered staging area
Stage Scenario 1 – Small Event
This stage setup is suitable for smaller venues and events when the anticipated number of attendees does not exceed 50 indoors or 30 outdoors. Examples of this setup can be found below.
Stage Scenario 2 – Large Event
This stage setup is suitable for larger venues and events when the anticipated number of attendees is 50-250 indoors or 30-200 outdoors. Examples of this setup can be found below.